Friday, April 21, 2017

Flower Friday: For Dory

Dory was the star of Flower Friday, though she allowed the other pups supporting roles. 

Flower Friday this week is a tribute to Dory and her mom. Dory passed away recently. All of us with pet blogs who enjoyed seeing the bouquets offered weekly on Flower Friday hope this hop will bring some comfort to Dory's Mom at a sad time. 
"People from a planet without flowers...

would think we must be mad with joy...

the whole time...

to have such things...

...about us."

- by Iris Murdoch


  1. Such beautiful photos. Dory would be so pleased.

    Abby Lab

  2. The flowers for Dory are just splendid and we love that quote!!
    Hugs Madi and mom

  3. Such a lovely collection...thank you so much for sharing them.
    Love and Hugs,
    Jakey, Arty & Bilbo(and Mama and Daddy)

  4. Those flowers are so beautiful. I'm sure they brought comfort to everyone. Dory would love them.

  5. Thank you for joining our Flowers for Dory hop today. We know how much it means to her family
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  6. Such beautiful flowers for Dory♥ Mom loves the Passion Vine.

  7. Toby I don't think Louis sets his blog to auto post. He is way over in western give it a few hours.
    Hugs madi your bfff

  8. Hari OM
    Gorgeous!!! ...and thankyou for recognizing the leaf at the end of my 'bouquet' for the day!!! I do believe foliage can be every bit as decorative and I know Dory did too. Sending Love of the capital 'ell' kind, hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  9. What beautiful flowers, just pawfect fur Dory
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  10. One of our favorite quotes! Beautiful tribute! <3

  11. What pretty flowers! Fanks for participatin in da Flowers for Dory blog hop.


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