Saturday, April 22, 2017

The Best Planet Of Them All

Today, Earth Day, people everywhere celebrate our beautiful blue planet, the best, most diverse, most interesting and complex and lively planet imaginable.

Graphic Credit: Zoolatry

There are lots of ways to celebrate Earth Day. Dogs can choose to sleep - especially on a rainy Earth Day.

But humans should open their eyes wide and take action on Earth Day. There are so many ways to help our planet and show how much we care about it:

  • participate in a cleanup
  • spend the day at a National or State Park
  • plant a tree or two…or ten
  • read "The Lorax" with a child you love
  • do some research into an environmental issue that interests you
  • visit an AZA certified zoo or aquarium and find out what they do for conservation (trust me, they will be thrilled to tell you)
  • well, it goes on, leave your ideas in the comments!
As for me, I chose to attend a satellite March for Science in Norfolk, Virginia. It was fun and I truly believe the numbers of people globallywho marched sent a clear message that people want politicians to use data and evidence to create policies that will keep our planet healthy.

Fact. There is no planet B. There isn't going to be in time for some giant science fiction exodus of humanity. 

The Norfolk March was attended by about a thousand people. It ended at a local brewery, who blocked off their parking lot for a huge Earth Day party with two bands, food trucks, vendors, and of course plenty of beer (beer=science you know). Science people are just so much fun.
There were so many great signs - and shirts!
Turnout was fantastic. Look how far back down the street the crowd extends!
"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not." - The Lorax, Dr. Seuss

Whatever you did for Earth Day, I hope it was fun and expanded your love for our planet. It really is the best one of them all.
Happy Earth Day from Amy and Toby


  1. We heard about all the wonderful marches today. Thanks for sharing your photos. We hope all the good messages are heard loud and clear and followed up with action.

    Happy Earth Day.

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

    1. Thank you, yes I think there will be action by many. These marches showed a deep grass-roots concern for the environment and appreciation for science.

  2. What great suggestions! Happy Earth Day!

    1. Glad you liked them. Thank you for visiting :)

  3. Happy Earth Day! I love that quote from The Lorax.

  4. Love that "there is no planet B" saying. Thank you for participating and voicing concerns so many of us share!

  5. Amy and Toby we LOVE this post!! You offered great suggestions too! DakotasDen


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