Saturday, April 15, 2017

{This Moment} See Beautiful: Good Dogs, Good Work

Today's See Beautiful hop is to honor Sugar the Golden Retriever. I published my tribute to Sugar on March 23 but still wish to be part of Seeing Beautiful. If you missed the tribute, please click here.

Sugar was always keeping her family company. Somehow there was always a dog-friendly adventure in store, and I don't know another dog that was as inseparable from her people. 

In Toby's case that sometimes means supervising us while we do our chores. Some are bigger than others!

This weekend's chore was a whopper. Ted had 10 yards of mulch delivered. A small mountain appeared in the driveway yesterday. I procrastinated by taking some "before" pictures. Soon, though, I'd be on my hands and knees, spreading mulch carefully around each tree and flower.

Eight hours later we called it a day. We were almost done but just too tired to finish up. This morning we put our filthy work clothes back on. Thankfully, in about 1 1/2 hours we were done. 

It can be beautiful to work very hard and then enjoy the benefits of your labor for months to come. After a shower, I took some "after" photos.
"Not a bad job, guys. I must have supervised well."
The shade garden is looking like a garden now!
I love having a beautiful yard, being surrounded by flowers and trees. I love to listen to the bees buzzing on their rounds and the birds singing. I love this time of year, when all I have to do is walk out the door to see beautiful.
Our lawn is carpeted with pink petals.

That's what Sugar and her family did, and were so generous to share it with us all.


  1. that looks absolutely beautiful!!! and I love the big mountain of mulch... I probably couldn't resist do dig some tunnels there ;o) Happy easter to you ;o)

    1. Oh yes Phenny, Toby liked to dig in his puppy days but he doesn't anymore!

  2. SUGAR enjoyed garden supawvising too. It's a big task but the beauty of hard work brings lots of smiles. Sending you and your family lots of Golden Love, - Rosalyn (SUGAR's mom)

    1. Thank you Rosalyn - Sugar was always smiling!

  3. That was a purrfect tribute to dear Sugar, she was such a sweet girl.

  4. That was a beautiful tribute to Sugar....Toby has good taste in peeps that is why he likes to be near you....AND he knows you need his supervision.
    Hugs madi

  5. you have a beautiful yard and what a wonderful supervisor!
    birds and bees, flowers and trees, hmm, sounds like the makings of a song! BOL
    xoxo, bailey unleashed

  6. Your yard looks so beautiful! Wow, 10 yards of mulch, that's a lot of work but it looks great. Lovely tribute to Sugar, she will be missed by us all.
    Love & Biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them


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