Tuesday, July 21, 2015

52 Snapshots of Life: "Patriotic"

Well, once again I'm trying to get caught up on the 52 Snapshots of Life photo challenge. Largely this is because the Week 26 word, "Patriotic" had me stumped. 

I had just done a fairly patriotic post for "Flag". Also, in the aftermath of the Charleston shootings the words to go with our Stars and Stripes were being said a lot better by others. 

It's been over three weeks since a young man full of hate was welcomed into a Bible study at a historic A.M.E. church and gunned down those good people. I've been meaning to watch President Obama's eulogy of Rev. Clementa Pinckney, but only today did I get around to it. Honestly, I'd heard so much about it, I just wanted to know what the big deal was. Now I understand.

"Patriotism" and "eulogy" don't seemingly go together well. Here, they are bound together by a gifted speaker.

So for this 52 Snapshots of Life, if you have not heard it in full already, I recommend making time to watch President Obama's moving, patriotic, grace-filled eulogy of Rev. Clementa Pinckney. 


  1. I saw the highlights of this on TV and they were very moving. A good pick for "patriotic." I'll have to make time today to watch the full video.

  2. Thank you for sharing. As a Canadian I haven't been following this tragedy too closely.

  3. Its very touching and a great pick for patriotism


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