Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Meet Krismon!

I adopted an orangutan from Orangutan Outreach!

Virtually, that is. For Orangutan Awareness Week, meet Krismon!

Most of the orangutans rescued by the Sumatran Orangutan Conservation Programme are very young. Baby orangutans are so cute, and these are the most popular for virtual adoptions. But Krismon's story got to me. I wanted to know how his story would turn out. His rehabilitation will be so difficult.


Krismon's mother was killed in 1997. A member of the Indonesian army took the adorable baby home to be a family pet. Small and cute, he was raised like a human child and even went on family vacations. But - he grew.

So Krismon was placed in a tiny rusty cage. He was fed only rice and occasionally table scraps. 

Finally rescued from this.
Then on May 30, 2016, he was rescued. He was weak, especially in his back legs. His entire body suffered tremors. He can never be released into the wild, having suffered too much malnutrition, trauma, and wasting for that. SOCP is constructing a separate facility for adults like Krismon who will always need care in a safe place. 

Life is looking up for Krismon!

As of September, Krismon has successfully transitioned to a normal diet of fruit, vegetables, and seeds. He is in a much larger cage now where he can move and exercise his atrophied muscles. 
The update concludes:
"Although he still faces a very long road to recovery, Krismon is well on his way to becoming a healthy and happy adult male orangutan."

If you'd like to adopt Krismon, or might want to adopt another of the orphans at Orangutan Outreach, click here.


  1. Awwwww that is so SAD... butt it has a HAPPY Ending... It is Wonderful that you Adopted him.

    1. What's also great about Orangutan Outreach is that it is a collaboration of a number of different rescue groups. Krismon happens to be at SOCP but there are others too. I hope we can save these wonderful creatures.

  2. I'm so glad there was help for Krismon, thanks to you for adopting this wonderful animal. I hope for a lot of adopted orphans... that could be a good christmas gift idea too... and it is much better than sweaters or x-mas socks :o)

    1. Two years ago my daughter and son in law gave me an adoption from Big Cat Rescue! I blogged about it - it was one of my favorite all-time gifts. I'm thinking of dropping serious hints to the family over Thanksgiving. ;)

  3. That's wonderful. I'm so glad that you adopted him and that caring people are helping him.

  4. Wow, that's great that you can help out that organization in such a personal way and know the details about the specific animal you're helping. What a sad start he had - I'm so glad he's somewhere safe now!

  5. Krismon...is a very lucky lad. What a terribly sad beginning to his life. Thank goodness the remainder of his days are filled with lots of love, sun, and proper food.
    Hugs Madi and mom


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