Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Wordless Wednesday: Who Am I? Dog Edition

Photo Credit: Nick Garbutt
Who am I?
 I'm an endangered member of the Canidae (dog) family.
Do you know my common name?
Just for fun, take a guess in the comments below.
Come back on Friday to see if your guess is right and to learn where I live. 


  1. Is that a dog? We are curious to know more about it. Welcome to our blog to read interesting dog stories!

  2. Well, it looks like a tall fox. I don't know the name, but I love those fuzzy ears!

  3. Dingos? I think they're native to Australia.

  4. Hmmm. You don't live here but I'm wondering if you're a Kit Fox.

  5. looks like some sort of Prairie Fox. Loving those ears. Happy WW


We love to know what you have to meow, bow-wow, growl, or just plain howl. Leave a comment for us!

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