Saturday, February 15, 2014

Sepia Saturday: The Top Five VITTD On A Walk

Toby here to explain just why you humans simply must bundle up, put on crampons, grab an umbrella, or put on the sunscreen, or whatever ridiculous preparations (no doubt time-consuming) you require, and take your  dog for a walk no matter how icy, frigid, hot, or rainy it is. 

We have very important things to do (VITTD). Humans seem by turns to be annoyed or oblivious to most of our VITTD, so I thought I'd do a public service announcement on behalf of dogs everywhere today. 

Your Dog's Top 5 VITTD

#1. Checking PeeMail.

People, you know how much time you spend on email,  Pinterest, and Facebook. We see you. You can spare us a few minutes to check ours. 

#2. Leaving a reply.

And unlike humans, we dogs are always civil and respectful in our discourse on social media, unless we take garlic for fleas.

#3. Checking duck security.

Or tree rats. Or cats. And in rare cases, opossums, mice, or snakes. You are welcome.

#4. Greeting the neighbors.

For the really friendly ones, a little pee on their fence is our equivalent to a friendly wave.

Some give us the cold shoulder, but we say hi anyway. We're dogs. We're naturally neighborly like that.

And last, but certainly not least:

This public service announcement has been approved by Toby on behalf of dogs everywhere. If your dog has other VITTD, he'd love to hear about it in a comment.

The End.


  1. Well Toby, you seem to have covered it all! Love all your sepia-toned photos.
    Happy Saturday, pal.

  2. So many great sepia photos! Way to work it Toby!

  3. Beautiful pictures! Don't forget make sure all the other dogs in the neighbor know you're out and about. That's my favorite!

  4. Oh my!! Love this post. I check my peemail pretty often. Luckily there's no app for that. I like to do it the old school way! Happy Sepia Saturday! Thanks for linking up!

  5. Excellent list Toby! Happy Sepia Saturday! from FireBonnet and her 2catsandacattledog (18)

  6. Finally somepupy puts it in black and white for those humans!! Thanks Toby!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo
    PeeEss-Love the Sepia pictures

  7. LOL!!!! R adds that another VITTD is to roll around in the snow :)

  8. OMC, you doggies have so many things to remember to do when you go for walkies. Being that most of us members of the Kitty Krew are inside cats we like to watch you go for walks on our giant screen TV, you know the one where we also watch birdie and squirrel TV.

    Kitty Kisses,
    Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew

  9. Great post, loved all the beautiful photos especially the ducks. Thanks for stopping by nothing but norman at sand spring and leaving your nice comments. Bloggers are the best. Have a wonderful day.

  10. Cute post! Rita would like to add crows to the list on #3!

    And she thinks that first snow man is kinda scary looking. She probably would have had to go on security detail with him, too!


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