Monday, December 1, 2014

Mischief Monday: That Rascal, Mother Nature!

Toby eyes the sky warily while sitting beside the pansies I planted today.

It's 75 degrees and I'm kneeling by the flowerbed, digging a hole for the pansies I bought today. Today is December 1st.

Tomorrow is supposed to deliver rain and  low temperatures in the  40's.

Then, back to 68 on Wednesday.

Mother Nature, you rascal you! Go look up the word "seasonable" in the dictionary, write it 100 times on the blackboard, and start behaving yourself!


  1. same here = it was a beautiful 68 degrees yesterday and sunny and then today it is only 36 with freezing rain

  2. Oh Lordy us too. The weather has stopped being so warm today for the first day of Winter. We have not had to have the heating on at all until today. Crazy weather. Have a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. Here in Denmark it's getting pretty cold. About zero degrees celcius, and windy too. Brrr....

  4. Our weather has been crazy too. We've had sleet and thunder in the last week or two.

  5. I live up by the Brookfield Zoo and it was COLD, out walking Abby the lab this morning, or so my husband told me as he took pity on me in the cold and walked her for me. Thanks for stopping by the book of Barkley. Thanks to the dog lovers that have made it an Amazon best seller, I've been able to donate several thousand to animal rescue organizations across the United States.

  6. Where do you live? The reason I'm asking is because you've just described my weather - we're in Northern VA and it's crazy!

  7. Mother Nature likes to do what she wants doesn't she?

  8. Yes! For a Mother, Nature sure is full of mischief!! I am so glad we got such a nice day today where we are! *wags*

  9. You guys are lucky! It is 20 degrees here and I am NOT ENJOYING IT!!!

  10. Mother nature has not been nice! This warm, cold, warm, cold weather here in the Northeast coast is terrible! Safe to say that Hunter and I are preparing for some polar vortexes this winter. YIKES!

  11. Ugh, same here in NC...we've had roller coaster temperatures in the last 4 weeks ranging from the 30s all the way to the high 70s!!


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