Friday, March 7, 2014

Fitdog Friday: Winning At Weight Loss

I'm giving Toby an "honorary" Biggest Loser Award for weighing in at 63.7 pounds yesterday. 

The graph begins at June 2013, when his weight was 60.1 pounds. The next point is December 2013 - 68.0 pounds! Pretty shocking. You can see his slow-but-steady progress since.

December 2013

March 2014

I'm happy to accept the award for Toby. Toby would like to thank:
Baby Carrots

Green Beans
Long Walks At The Beach...

In The Neighborhood...

And In The Woods
We aren't finished yet - 3.7 pounds to go. Nevertheless it's a relief to know progress is being made. I hope this update will encourage anyone else out there facing the same situation with their dog.

Participating today in the FitDog Friday Blog Hop.


  1. Awesome job, Toby! :) Nailah is on a weight loss mission too so we know how hard it is to shed those pounds. Keep up the good fight!

  2. Well done Toby - we love to see a weight loss journey documented like this. You have done a great job and should be proud - both you Toby and the 'rents for keeping you in shape.
    Those last few lbs will melt off. Bet you feel a LOT better don't you? Thanks for joining the Hop!

  3. Fantastic! Great job, Toby! Man, I wish Rita loved carrots and green beans. No go for her on those. She's SO fussy!

    Congrats again and I'm sure the last few lbs will be gone in no time.

  4. That is so great, and that is wonderful progress in just 2-3 months! You have a lot to be proud of and I have no doubt you and Toby will reach the goal. Our girls don't really like veggies so I always have to search for low fat treats. Oh, those walks on the beach look awesome too!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  5. This is great Toby. I will guarantee that your vet will be pleased too. Those strange people going up in something like that. Have a nice day.

  6. That is totally awesome. Way to go. Almost there. Yay! Love the photos. They show how much he loves his veggies!

  7. WTG Toby!! It is a hard a long process to take of easily gained weight. We send you fat free hugs
    Madi and Mom


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