Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Wordless Rainy Wednesday (Again)

We'll be fine, mom. We got an umbrella and a raincoat after all...
Well - maybe not.
This weather is booorrriiiinnnnggg!!!

FYI: BOL - the second picture is an effect from PicMonkey so please don't call Animal Control!


  1. We have been getting a lot of rain. A. Whole. Lot. The collies have had enough!

  2. We have rain coming too and it meant to stay for a few days. It is turning out to be a wash out Summer again. Big sigh. Stay dry and have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. We have been getting rainy weather here, too. Yuck. I want my sunny days back!

  4. It's been hot and wet here too...we catch our outdoor time early AM before the storms start...The photos are adorable!

  5. We finally have had a few nice days...maybe rain will be coming but at night, so I am a happy pup! Happy WW! Emma

  6. Oh no, Toby. I hope that the sun shines soon!

  7. Toby you are a beauty. We had rain last Wednesday. we hope tomorrow is full of sunshine

  8. your photos are adorable! I need a larger breed more patient dog! Dakota would NEVER allow a photo shoot like that! Will send some sunshine your way, no rain is forecast here til the weekend.

  9. Hahaha i love the rain, think of all the muddy puddles to play in:-)


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